Eagle Eye Networks

WannaCry Ransomware Update

The WannaCry ransomware virus recently infected 160 computers in 11 different Connecticut government agencies, according to the state's CIO. The WannaCry ransomware virus infects computers by scrambling its data before…

March 7, 2018 Eagle Eye Networks

Spectre & Meltdown

Introduction Spectre and Meltdown are most egregious in the case of arbitrary third-party code execution, such as in shared-tenancy situations (e.g. cloud service providers like AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google…

January 23, 2018 Eagle Eye Networks

Latest Threat: Reaper

Last year Mirai malware hit 500,000 IoT devices and launched DDoS attacks. Now, a new malware has been identified by researchers at CheckPoint that is surpassing Mirai by hitting millions…

November 20, 2017 Eagle Eye Networks

The 4 Cyber Security Risks for Video Monitoring Centers

Video Monitoring Centers are taking unnecessary cyber security risks daily just by working with video surveillance providers that are not cyber secure. But just because the video surveillance market stays…

November 2, 2017 Eagle Eye Networks

Most Severe Breach

Equifax, the credit reporting company, just experienced the most severe data breach in history. This breach exposed sensitive information, including Social Security numbers and addresses, of up to 143 million…

October 4, 2017 Eagle Eye Networks

Devil’s Ivy Update

In July 2017, cyber security researchers discovered a serious flaw, which they named “Devil’s Ivy”, that exists in nearly all cameras supporting the popular ONVIF specification. The flaw allows hackers…

August 8, 2017 Eagle Eye Networks

Devil’s Ivy Likely Widespread

A recently discovered vulnerability labeled “Devil’s Ivy” is expected to impact millions of cameras that support the ONVIF protocol. The initial exploit was discovered on an Axis Camera and then…

July 24, 2017 Eagle Eye Networks

Beware of Cloud Imposters

We recently had a discussion with a customer regarding the cyber security of their “fake cloud” provider for access control. They had been sold a bill of goods for an…

July 20, 2017 Eagle Eye Networks

A Victim of the Recent Petya Ransomware Virus

One of Brivo’s large international customers (who shall go nameless due to confidentiality) was a victim of the recent Petya Ransomware virus. The virus infected a large number of their Windows…

July 18, 2017 Eagle Eye Networks

WannaCry Ransomware

Unfortunately, hackers are always coming up with new ways to make money and exploit systems. Cyber is no different. The WannaCry ransomware breaks new ground in its reach, use of…

May 23, 2017 Eagle Eye Networks