Eagle Eye Networks

Easily enable single sign-on with Eagle Eye Networks Editions

March 21, 2023 Eagle Eye Networks

single sign on sso

Businesses that choose to incorporate single sign-on (SSO) and multifactor authentication (MFA) add an extra layer of cybersecurity protection to their enterprise that sets them up for improved security and success. 

Eagle Eye Networks, the global leader in cloud video surveillance, has been focused on cybersecurity since it was founded in 2012 and provides both SSO and MFA solutions to emphasize cybersecurity best practices that also promote ease of use for business customers.

SSO, MFA, and Eagle Eye Networks

Eagle Eye Networks offers both MFA and SSO, so that customers have the ability to deploy the cybersecurity technologies and IT processes their businesses require. MFA is available for all Eagle Eye Networks accounts and SSO is available as part of the Eagle Eye Professional and Enterprise Editions.

Eagle Eye makes it easy to implement MFA and SSO identity and access management (IAM) for businesses that choose to utilize these streamlined and cyber secure password management solutions. 

Multifactor authentication adds an extra layer of cybersecurity to each Eagle Eye account and is designed to ensure that only authorized users can access each Eagle Eye account and cameras – even if someone obtains a password – because it must be obtained via a trusted phone number or a trusted email address.

For improved cybersecurity and user experience, Eagle Eye Networks incorporated single sign-on with SAML 2.0 to the Eagle Eye Cloud VMS. Using SSO, customers can easily add or revoke access to the Eagle Eye Cloud VMS (Video Management System) via their Active Directory or LDAP.

Why do you need MFA and SSO?

Many companies rely on LDAP or Active Directory as their “source of truth” for authenticating and providing access to resources like networks and web applications.

More applications, however, means more unique sets of credentials, which can become difficult to manage and verify. As the number of user credentials increases, administrators can lose track of who has access to what, and their job becomes even more complicated if someone leaves the company.

That’s why many companies have turned to SSO and MFA solutions. By using them, companies can pursue the cloud applications they need without building and managing multiple directory integrations. Additionally, SSO helps reduce the amount of password reset requests, freeing a company’s IT team from these routine help requests. 

How does Eagle Eye SSO and MFA work?

Eagle Eye Networks two-factor authentication

When a user logs into the SSO solution, the SSO creates an authentication token that verifies that the user is who they say they are. This is done by checking the user’s credentials against a separate identity management system. This authentication token is stored digitally, either in the browser or the SSO’s server. Whenever a user goes to access an application, the application checks the SSO for the authentication token before granting the user access.

With multifactor authentication, an Eagle Eye account can only be accessed on trusted devices. When using a new device for the first time, two pieces of information are required — a password and a six-digit security code obtained via a trusted phone number or a trusted email address.

Once logged in, an Eagle Eye user won’t be asked for a security code on that device again unless they log out completely, erase the device, or need to change a password for security reasons. Additionally, when an Eagle Eye user logs in on the web, they can choose to trust a browser so they won’t be asked for a security code the next time they log in from that same computer.
More information on MFA and how to set it up can be found here.

The benefits of SSO and MFA

SSO and MFA solutions provide a number of benefits for enterprises that incorporate them into their access management system, including:


  • Improved cybersecurity as there are fewer credentials at risk
  • Simplified user experience by eliminating the need to remember passwords or enter them multiple times
  • Users that leave the company will be blocked from the IdP and therefore can no longer access other systems
  • Reduced administrative costs and increased efficiency as business owners and employees access multiple applications with a single set of credentials


  • Dramatically improves the security of each Eagle Eye Account and corresponding cameras and video by only allowing access on devices that are trusted
  • Even if an unauthorized user obtains a password, they will be unable to meet the additional authentication requirements (a trusted device and a trusted phone number or email address) required for access
  • Greatly reduces the likelihood of cyber attacks and fraud risks
  • Improves ease of access for trusted users and lowers IT costs by reducing the amount of time-consuming password-resets 

SSO is available as part of the Eagle Eye Professional and Enterprise Editions and MFA is available for all Eagle Eye Networks accounts, regardless of which Edition is used. To learn more about leveraging SSO and MFA with the Eagle Eye Cloud VMS, please reach out to us at [email protected].


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