Eagle Eye Networks

Security Today – More Than Meets the Eye

June 21, 2018 Eagle Eye Networks

Security Today - More Than Meets the Eye

Drako, the CEO and founder of Eagle Eye Networks, provider of cloud-based video surveillance solutions, based in Austin, Texas, understands the Internet, networking and cyber security… Although he could have outsourced his cloud needs to the likes of AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google, Drako chose to build out his own cloud infrastructure to obtain the needed layers of security, guarantee compliance with local regulations, reach the necessary price points and minimize video latency. “One of the keys to building a successful cloud and cyber business is owning the technology and infrastructure from end to end so you can deliver the best product,” Drako said. “We deploy our own hardware and storage designed specifically for video. This also means we have the in-house skills to clear any hurdle and solve any customer problem or need. To provide the best global solution for surveillance video, I could not afford to take the risk of outsourcing our cloud needs.”

Since its inception in 2012, Eagle Eye has launched data centers all over the world and Drako has taken cloud video surveillance application to an all-time high. While North America was first in Drako’s sights, covering the world was always the goal… In late 2015, Drako moved the growth focus to Europe and the Middle East… Everything that Drako and his team are doing is what they characterize as “True Cloud.” According to Francis, “a True Cloud system is specifically engineered for cloud computing and, offered as a pay-for-what-you-use subscription model. It affordably and securely provides scalable system capabilities that can’t possibly be achieved in on-site systems.”

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