Eagle Eye Networks

Using Cloud to Avoid Traffic

February 24, 2017 Hans Kahler


Cloud CarUsing cloud to avoid traffic?  How does that work?

It’s true, today I used cloud computing to avoid traffic.  Here’s a little background.  At Eagle Eye, we not only are a cloud service provider, but we also use cloud services to run our business.  There are the obvious tools such as email and web site management, but we also use cloud for CRM, expenses, customer support, file sharing, tracking software development and even our phone system is cloud based.  These are all systems that I interact with on a daily basis.

So, back to how cloud helps avoid traffic.  This morning I had my typical 30 minute commute to the office.  I even managed to stop and get a breakfast taco on the way in.  (If you’ve never had one, go to Taco Deli right now and find out what you’ve been missing all these years.)  I got to the office, with my coffee and breakfast taco and that’s when the problems started.  I realized I left my briefcase at home with my laptop in it.  That immediately put a damper on what had started out to be a great day.

As I sat at my desk, eating my breakfast taco, I considered my options.  Try to work without a computer all day, or deal with the at least hour long round trip to my house and back to get my laptop.  Then I had an idea.  I took a computer that we are using for trade show demos and put it on my desk.  Since all of our business systems are in the cloud, I just had to log in to them and I was up and running.  There are many benefits to cloud services, avoiding traffic when you forget your laptop is just one of them.

Hans Kahler


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